Anxious Scone

He’s anxious because he knows that he’s delicious.

Dragon Baby Shower

Today, the gals from work and I threw a baby shower for our dear friend and co-worker, Katie.

This is me (in red) with the glowing mom to be.



The theme was dragons and the colors were red, white and black to coordinate with the nursery. Everyone brought food to share, and it was all so tasty! Yum!


I made the cake and the sugar cookie dragons. The cake was chocolate with a whip cream and Oreo filling.


The dragons were based on a sketch I made. The legs on the babies were inspired by this post on Haniela’s Cookie Blog.


My friend Val made this awesome dragon bread! We didn’t want to eat it, but when we finally tore in, it was delicious!


Since we all work at an art centre, we had to do something crafty. So we tie dyed baby onesies!

These are some of the ones we made today.


This is Candace with her creation. Beautiful!


For the gift, I wanted to make something special, that would fit with the theme and the nursery. It HAD to have a dragon! I made this little flying dragon mobile. The dragon is made from my own pattern, and has jointed legs. When the baby is old enough, the dragon can be detached and used as a toy. The stars are painted, glittered and glow in the dark.




A few more pictures just for fun.




and the smallest guest stole the show!


I made macarons today for the first time. Having never made them or even tasted one before I was a little worried they wouldn’t turn out. But they did! I used Sprinklebakes recipe. It was easy to follow and fun to make.





I just took these little tea cakes out of the oven.

The recipe was quite intensive, what with grinding and toasting almonds and browning butter and such. So I’m a little disappointed they didn’t turn out right. They’re not bad, just a little chewier than they should be. Probably over mixed.


Now this cake:


This cake was delicious! I whipped it up quick for a friends farewell party. It went over very well.

Valentine Heart Cookies

Valentine cookies for my loved ones. Sugar and gingerbread cookies decorated with icing sugar.



Owl cookies part 2

It seems like people are liking the cookies that I posted yesterday, so am going to show you how I made them.

Since I did not have an owl cutter, I used a the foot portion of a stocking shaped cutter to make the shape I needed. I cut one, then flipped the cookie dough cutout and cut it again.



Reading Sweet Sugar Belle’s blog really inspired me to not only make cookies as Christmas gifts, but to be creative with my cookie cutters. Take a look at her blog for some amazing cookies and inspiration.

After cutting the owls out, I used a small heart cutter to mark the face area, making sure not to cut through the dough.


After baking and cooling. I used ivory royal icing to fill in the face area. I dropped in royal icing eyes that I had previously made.


I didn’t take photos of the next steps, so I will just explain.

I then used brown icing to make the wings. When the face and wings were dry, I filled in the body with a lighter brown. While it was still wet, I used the darker brown to make three lines across the chest. Then using a toothpick I dragged lines through the icing starting from below the three brown lines.
To finish I used orange icing to make the beak and toes.

And there you have owls!

I also made some mushrooms and acorns to include in the gift boxes.


I’ve been busy!

It’s been a very long time and I’ve made many, many things, so I’ll post them here for you to see!

Here are some adorable owl cookies I made for Christmas gifts a couple of months ago.




Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

(Those ewoks! Such party animals!)

Wow, it’s already halfway through January! I had a great holiday and now it’s just about my birthday.  And I have lots of images to share.

Cookies I made for xmas presents.

So right before New Year’s I was looking through some crafty books and was reading about 365 Day Art Projects, where you make a piece of art every day for a year. I decided I wanted to do it to. People make all sorts of things and have neat themes.  Since I love color, I decided to do a little piece of art or a craft in a different color everyday. So the colors go in a 6 day cycle: yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green and then starts over. They can be anything, even a little doodle. Usually I have been leaving it until just before bed and I find that I am to tired to do anything, maybe it will get better? So anyways, here’s what I have done so far:

January 1:

January 2:

January 3:

January 4:

I think I may have to actually finish painting this one soon.

January 5:

January 6:

January 7:

Well actually I was so busy that I forgot January 7, so I watercolor doodled this the next day…oops!

January 8:

January 9:

Watercolor on Yupo with interesting texture, I need to actually finish this.

January 10:

I finally made something with these beads I bought ages ago. Yippi! and tomorrow I am going to learn how to make them myself. (Can’t wait! And I will definitely post pics.)

January 11:

January 12:

January 13:

I have taken to referring to the days by what color I have to use that day, today is an orange day. I better go make something orange!


These are some chocolate cupcakes I made last week to congratulate my new boss. They were very yummy!


